MUNTU Trade & Business
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MUNTU WORLD is a brand commercialised by CREASOL SERVICES, a Belgian company, within the framework of its Branding Africa initiative, which aims to support entrepreneurs from local SME’s on the African continent, to actively participate in changing the image of the African economy in Europe.
Utilising on the one hand the expertise from the founders and, on the other hand the localisation of activities at the heart of Europe, MUNTU WORLD proposes (via Creasol Services) to creators working with MUNTU WORLD, adhoc technical support with an aim to:
- Develop local operational capacities (management, logistic chain, production, finance etc…)
- Putting in place production strategies which are adapted to European distribution
- Entry strategies to the European market with relation to the national economic culture
Other services proposed include:
- Management and operations
- Production process improvements
- Strategic communication
- Stakeholder coordination
- Institutional affairs
- Event organisation
- Standardisation
- Monitoring and legal follow-up
- Research
- Public finance opportunities
A political action through the creation of the MUNTU Foundation will also aim to contribute towards:
- The promotion and preservation of African traditional knowledge ‘African heritage’ (AOC, AOP, etc…)
- The promotion of Africa’s culture and artistic wealth
- The creation of a network of African entrepreneurs seeking access to western markets
- The creation of an ‘African’ label, promoting ethics and the sustainable nature of industrial initiatives
- The opening of the European Markets to African Markets;
- Supporting entrepreneurship and the (re)deployment of Africa’s industrial fabric
- Promoting community actions and the multiple initiatives supporting Africa
More information can be found at.