Changing Africa’s narrative through Arts & Design
Dinner-Debate organized for the Africa Communication Week (English/French)
Invited Guests:
Tapiwa Matsinde, from Atelier Fifty-Five (in English)
Ntumba BIAYI, from MOYI Magazine (in French)
Tapiwa Matsinde is a British-born author, content producer, publisher and creative consultant of Zimbabwean heritage. She researches and writes about contemporary designand creativity from and inspired by Africa and has contributed to numerous publications including the Ethical Fashion Forum, Design Indaba (South Africa), Intense Art Magazine, and MOYI magazine, in addition to consulting for various cultural organizations. Tapiwa created the blog Atelier fifty-Five, as a platform to celebrate and promote design she writes about. Tapiwa is the author of Contemporary Design Africa
MOYI is a new lifestyle brand that curates the best from Africa and the African diaspora. Through their website, blog and magazine published in French and English, MOYI aims to bring inspiration, information, escape and empowerment.
MUNTU WORLD is a project that seeks to distribute and promote the work of African creators in Europe and beyond. More information on the project If you are unable to attend the event but would like to keep posted about other similar events, register here http://www.muntuworld.org/ Contact: info@muntuproject.eu or +3249722285
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