Yeleen Design - When traditional weaving meets innovative fabrics - Muntu Design

Yeleen Design – When traditional weaving meets innovative fabrics

Par Tapiwa Matsinde - 13 July 2017
Age-old Mali textiles hand weaving traditions unite with innovative materials to produce a beautiful array of interior and exterior textiles courtesy of Yéleen Design. Formed in 2003 and located in Bamako, Mali; Yéleen Design is the creation of respected designer Aida Duplessis.
Aida experiments with weaving organic cotton with natural fibers such as vetiver, flax, hemp; and even seaweed and nettle to produce clean simple lines that add to the aesthetic appeal. Traditional Mali textiles weavers work to reproduce the designs across carpets, cushions, rugs and throws; in a range of sublte and rather soothing colour palettes.
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A new collection of exterior furnishings sees recycled vinyl woven with cotton, upholding the company’s commitment to enhancing ethical awareness and sustainability.
Yéleen Design works to combine tradition and innovation in Mali textiles and provide the discerning customer with contemporary home furnishings that are tasteful, creative, original and chic.
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